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Downloading Xmas Tree

Your download of the Xmas Tree screensaver should start in 4 seconds. If you need help installing this screensaver onto your computer, please find instructions below.

If your download does not begin automatically, please click here to start it manually.

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Installation instructions

For Apple Mac computers:

  1. Double-click the downloaded file to launch the install program.
  2. Click the "Continue" button twice, then click on "Install for all users of this computer" to select it, and click "Continue" again.
  3. The default install location should be fine for most users, so simply click "Install" now to begin installing the screensaver. You may be asked to enter your password so that the installer has permission to install the screensaver.
  4. Once the installation has completed, click "Close" to exit the installer.
  5. Manually open the "Desktop & Screen Saver" panel from the "System Preferences" screen to select and activate the "Xmas Tree" screensaver.