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Downloading Magic Mandala

Your download of the Magic Mandala screensaver should start in 4 seconds. If you need help installing this screensaver onto your computer, please find instructions below.

If your download does not begin automatically, please click here to start it manually.

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Installation instructions

For Microsoft Windows computers:

  1. Double-click the SetupMagicMandala.exe file you downloaded to start the install program.
  2. Click "Next", then again through the next two screens unless you wish to change the default destination directory or Start Menu folder. Then click "Install" to begin copying the screensaver to your computer.
  3. The Screen Saver Settings panel will automatically open, and "Mandala" should now appear among your other screensavers. Close the panel to return to the install program, where you can click "Finish" to exit and to complete the installation process.
    • If the screensaver does not appear in the list, browse to the installation folder (the default is C:\Program Files\Magic Mandala Screen Saver), right-click the "Mandala" screensaver file and click "Install".