Will not run
I downloaded the screen saver and I set it as the screen saver in settings. It is scheduled to come on after 10 minutes. After 10 minutes the saver does not activate, the screen just goes blank. Other screen savers work just not the one I downloaded. Even thought it will preview it wont come on. Makes me think that for some reason windows does not see it so I think I need to configure it. But how do I do that?
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Edward Doyle4 years agoWindows 10 x64, Firefox
2 replies
Hello Edward,
When you say the screen goes blank, is it just a solid black? I've just tested the screensaver on Windows 10 and it does kick in here after the wait time has passed.
If the preview works and the screensaver does start after your 10 minutes are up, but it shows only a black screen, I'm not really sure what could be blocking it. Especially since other screensavers do seem to work normally for you.
The screensaver doesn't necessarily need to be configured, but you can play around with its settings to see if it makes any difference. I uploaded a preview version of the screensaver here, sometimes that can also be worth trying.
There are quite a few other Matrix screensavers available for you to try. Perhaps there's a good alternative, like Another Matrix, that does work on your computer.
I'll think about this some more, but for now I'm afraid I don't have a clue!
Rob (Screensavers Planet)4 years ago
As a developer but not the developer of this screensaver, it may depend on the DirectX runtime version you have installed. If you have a newer computer, you may have to install DirectX 9 on your computer. Just because the preview works but not the screen saver, doesn't always mean the screen saver is going to work too. The preview may either be a still image or a series of images that sequence like a gif file does. Not all screen savers preview utilize the OpenGL or DirectX runtime like the actual screen saver does when running.
Joe3 years ago
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