Space Screensaver missing
Hi! I downloaded a space screensaver some months ago. It was the best screensaver ever! You could edit almost all of its parameters. It was beautiful, amazingly built. It was basically a travel throughout the stars, passing by suns and dust clouds. But now I just can't find it anymore. I don't remember its name. I've already gone through all 65 pages of your list and I can't find it. Can you guys help me? :)
Alex1 month agoWindows 10 x64, Google Chrome
2 replies
Hi Alex,
Thanks for posting to the message board.
It sounds like it could be either Hyperspace or Cosmic Voyage. Note that they may look a little different in the screenshots on the site versus what they'll look like on your screen. That's because both are very dynamic screensavers, always unique.
Perhaps give those screensavers a try to see if they look familiar. If not, is there anything else you remember about the screensaver, or where you downloaded it?
Note that you can also filter the lists of screensavers by theme, e.g. Space or Christmas.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)1 month ago
Hi Rob,
You found it! It's the Cosmic Voyage. Simply the best screensaver ever built. :D Thank you very much!
Alex1 month ago
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