4 stars, 183 votes
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System 47

System 47 is a freeware Star Trek LCARS screensaver for Windows and Mac OS, created by MeWho.com, that simulates the Library Computer Access and Retrieval System (LCARS) that serves as the primary computer system in the universe of Star Trek's Starfleet and Federation. It includes eight animation sequences that the screensaver randomly cycles through, including a Sector Scan, Star System Analysis, Milky Way Galaxy Map, and more.

Price Free    Disk 1.93-10.5 MB    Windows Apple for Windows, Mac    Downloads 49,332
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SubjectRepliesLast post
Any chance of an update?11 year ago
LCARS 47 Screensaver no longer working because of Flash not supported33 years ago
Glitched?44 years ago

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Virus scannerSystem47screensaver2.5.1.zipsystem47.dmg
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We have 2 files for "System 47"

  1.   System47screensaver2.5.1.zip (Windows)
  2.   system47.dmg (Mac)
File report #1
File nameSystem47screensaver2.5.1.zip
Target system Microsoft Windows
File size10.50 MB (11,008,870 bytes)
File typeZIP archive
Detection ratio0/15 (0%)   View report
Total downloads38,417
Last downloaded3 hours ago
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File report #2
File namesystem47.dmg
Target system Apple Mac
File size1.93 MB (2,020,790 bytes)
File typeApple Disk Image (DMG)
Detection ratio0/15 (0%)   View report
Total downloads10,915
Last downloaded16 hours ago
File verification

User reviews (47)

I tried downloading onto my mac it says it is a file for PowerPC the latest version was 2006 XD

by FreePalestine on December 7, 2024


by matthew schwarz on September 8, 2024

My computer is too good for your product. :( You should make a later version for newer computers.

by get_kraken on June 18, 2024

I use to use this back in the day and had it running simultaneously on 4 monitors. It was awesome. One sound but 4 differnt ships systems. It felt like I was on the enterprise. Hell, the hum alone was so soothing. Miss the good ol days when things worked and the internet hadn't ruined everything yet. Oh the good ol days. it was a 5. Today I would say 5 simply because it still functions. However, you really should bring this screen saver into the future. There is a whole new set of star trek fans that would love to have this. Where is the passion you once had for this project.

by Jim on March 25, 2024

It works absolutely fine for me. My PS is Windows 10 & 64-bit. I LOVE it!!!

by RobLoz on December 16, 2023

Es excelente. Lástima que ya no sea compatible con los sistemas actuales. Sería fantástico que lo actualizaran

by Roberto de Elias on September 23, 2022

Cannot be installed on my Mac as the installer is greyed out. I'm running Mac OS X 10.13 and this comes up saying PowerPC apps cannot be run.
How old is this software that it's not been updated in years!!
One star for the lack of availability

by Akeel1701 on September 11, 2022

Wow I didn't think I'd be able to use this screensaver again since the original was done in Flash. Apparently this remake version does use Flash but its a standalone which means this won't support multi-monitors like the original did. Very unfortunate but hey it works!

by Isinia on July 26, 2022

Contrary to some posts here, this screensaver does work on Windows 10, 64-bit, does fill a 1920x1080 screen (subject to aspect ratio limitations) and does have a volume control that i successfully turned down to a reasonable whisper. It's not multi-screen friendly but does black out other screens.

by Mr Scott on May 25, 2022

I've used this screensaver back in the days of Win95 (or so it seems). I just happen to come across this while searching screensavers. I've just installed it and as long as my stupid machine doesn't crash it should be great. And I love the sounds! And no, I'm not currently using a Win95 machine.

by Hermes Conrad on April 28, 2022

It works very well--just as well as the older version it replaced, which I used for many year, but doesn't work on Win 10. In response to the last post, by Bill79, it does have an annoying sound built in, BUT, the sound CAN be disabled. All you need to do is type "Screen Saver" in the Windows taskbar search box, and click on the Best Match of "Change Screen Saver". In the box that shows up where you can select your screen saver, and left click on the "Settings" box in the middle. That will pop up a small Adobe Flash Player 11 box on the screen saver box, and you will have the choice in there to turn the sound up or down, and/or MUTE it. I've never seen a setting in a Flash Player that lets you do something, but this does. Good luck, and enjoy. I'm glad I have it back, and as I knew it.

by Dave S. on April 19, 2022

Works on Win 10/11 machines, but cannot mute it. I keep my computer muted, yet every time the screensaver comes on, it unmutes itself and sends bleeps and blatts loud enough to wake the dead.

by Bill79 on December 17, 2021

Cannot be installed on my system (10.13 - High Sierra) and the installer app is greyed out. Rates one star due to this issue.

by Akeel Ahmad on October 1, 2021

It's great

by Dwight Marquez on July 26, 2021

Not available on Intel & M1 (ARM) Macs :(

by Yannick on June 1, 2021

Nice, but not working on multiple monitors. Looks like it works only at 2 monitors, or monitors from primary GPU. My other GPUs and 6 monitors did not get screensaver - just black screen.
But if you have single monitor or just one GPU - this is amazing screensaver.

by George on April 15, 2021

Works fine for me on Win10 64bit.

by Gruppa on February 25, 2021

not 64 bit. No longer works on Mac OS 10.15

by Michael Horn on October 2, 2020

Nav display is bugged (1/2 a star less)

Other than that its awesome

-A must have for star trek lovers

by Zuchu 123 on June 24, 2020

Amazing! But it makes my PC really loud cuz its quite a heavy download

by A person on April 15, 2020

Doesn't work on MAC OSX 10.14.6

by Abu Nuur on April 12, 2020

As a trek geek. I love it. but for some reason, it keeps un-muting itself. When I mute it, it will stay muted for a few hours, but all of a sudden its screaming beeps and noises. Im in an office enviornment and cant have the noises going off all the time.

by greg higginbotham on April 4, 2020

It looks good. Easy to install. However, I can't figure out how to make it fill the screen of my 1080 display. Therefore, it's useless to me.

by MWT on January 28, 2020

It only works for older Macs!!!

by Equate Null on November 28, 2019

I think they are very cool BUT, get this error message 'You can't open the application "System47 v2.21for OSX Installer" because PowerPC applications are no longer supported.

Which means I cannot install it would have been 5 stars otherwise

by Mijkol on October 10, 2019

Nice screensaver, but it doesn't work on triple monitors with Win10. It displays on two monitors, with different screens on each which is nice, but leaves the third monitor displaying the desktop.

by Chew on July 15, 2019

Wish it worked on OS X

by Stephanie Ross on June 27, 2019


by Austin the anonymous on June 20, 2019

doesn't work with Mojave.

by Paul on March 22, 2019

I would love to have it on my Mac - but it does not support OS 10.14.
Very sad... I would give 5 Stars, if it would work....

by Frank on March 4, 2019

Excellent screen saver. Nice pictures and sounds. Installs perfect in win 10.

by Dan Lester on February 2, 2019

Looks really cool on my big screen that I use for my monitor of my Windows7 computer. It takes up abour 3/4 of the screen but not all of it. Is there any way to adjust it to full screen?

by Perry R. on December 12, 2018

This System47 screensaver does not work with newer versions of the MacOS like 10.14.
I wish it worked.

by joe mama on November 29, 2018

Please update this app. Current file is for OS9 only. Won't open in OSX...

by Dave Land - Land Computer Serv on November 21, 2018


by george bo on October 16, 2018

I think it is neat

by POM on September 21, 2018

Me ha gustado mucho y está muy bien realizado. Enhorabuena.

by plep on September 10, 2018

PowerPC apps no longer supported

by A B on August 7, 2018

love it! All the sound is great! I leave it on at night when i fall asleep and i feel like im on the enterprise. The hum of the engine in the backround is very relaxing for me.

by No one on March 9, 2018


by foghorn17 on February 22, 2018

Says it will only work for Power PC, must be an old screensaver

by Nate James on September 7, 2017

Just fantastic!

by Jean Luc on July 10, 2017

Okay.... but my Mac OS X Mavericks Macbook Air uses Intel the install uses PowerPC. PowerPC has been ditched by Apple Inc for long.

by Alex on April 22, 2017


by joetan on December 28, 2016

This looks great. The video preview had me excited. Sadly, the installer won't execute on Mac OS. Apparently the installer is a PowerPC application... these haven't been supported for many years.

by Les on September 24, 2016

Very cool, easy to install and the audio has an option to turn off. Personally I have it on right now, love to feel like I'm on the bridge, lol.

by ChristheKhajiit on August 10, 2016

This is amazing. Perfect for my gaming laptop.

by Spacehead on April 1, 2016

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