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3D Flower Box

The classic 3D Flower Box screensaver that was included in versions 95, 98, 2000 and XP of the Windows operating system. It features a colorful and abstract 3D box that bounces around the screen, constantly changing shape and color. The complexity, size, smoothness, coloring and movements of the "flower" box can optionally be customized.

Price Free    Disk 0.14 MB    Windows for Windows    Downloads 19,657
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SubjectRepliesLast post
3D flowerbox24 years ago
3D Flower Box14 years ago
Windows 10 Screen Saver LACKED "3D Flowerbox"27 years ago
I tried copying the file for 3-D Flowerbox, but when I got to the windows folder and right click on the empty white space, nothing happens and it quit18 years ago

Installation instructions

Microsoft Windows

  1. Extract the "3D Flower Box" screensaver file from the 3DFlowerBox.zip archive to the Windows folder on your hard drive.
  2. The next time you start the Screen Saver Settings panel, it should appear in the list of screensavers. If not, or if you wish to install it to a different folder, right-click the screensaver file after extracting it from the archive and select "Install".

Anti-virus report for 3D Flower Box

Our editors have reviewed all files and found them to be safe, but they are also checked automatically using many different virus scanners. We are happy to share the results.

Virus scanner3D Flower Box.zip
F-SecureTrojan-Downloader:W32/Kavala.B *
Last scanned1 week ago

*  When only a few of the virus scanners detect a problem with a file, this usually indicates a false alarm. While we cannot guarantee the safety of any file for 100%, we review them all carefully and report false positives to the anti-virus companies.

We have 1 file for "3D Flower Box"

  1.   3D Flower Box.zip (Windows)
File report #1
File name3D Flower Box.zip
Target system Microsoft Windows
File size146.28 kB (149,791 bytes)
File typeZIP archive
Detection ratio1/15 (6.67%)   View report
Total downloads19,657
Last downloaded15 minutes ago
File verification

User reviews (26)

Looks just like it would on older OS. Tested on Win10 Pro with GTX 1060.

Also, has exceptionally good settings options - lets you customize up to 4 monitors, whether or not it will include them on the screensavers, etc.

by Java on August 12, 2024

woah...trippy eyes

by your mother on March 8, 2024

its kinda classic tho but also its for lobbies

by not that bad on November 24, 2023

Very nostalge

y e s

by notagoodgrandpa on December 23, 2022

good stuff

by cool on December 9, 2022

its cool

by max on August 7, 2022

Long time wish come true thank you

by Assassin cb on October 18, 2021

im sure ill love it, just installed it

by KIMBERLY OURLIAN on November 20, 2020

This is cool But it has trouble running on windows 10 by running slow But runs great On Windows Vista.

by Anananus on November 10, 2020

This screen saver works great on my windows 8 laptop. Please upload a version where it can play all the three shapes (cube, tetrahedron, pyramid) randomly. Then it will be a SUPER screen saver.

by Vishmaasia on April 24, 2020


by botboy on November 17, 2019

Why, oh why is the flower spiky?

by ???? on October 2, 2019

Probably my favorite screensaver of all time.
Funny how quick it moves on modern hardware 😅

Works great on Windows 10 build 1903 👍

by FacilisDK on June 3, 2019

I like this screen saver. It is very satisfying to watch

by someone on February 22, 2019

Nice but the speed is too fast.

by james on July 26, 2018


by austin on January 17, 2018

I "like" tetrahedrons. On my previous pc's, I set the "3D Flowerbox" screen saver to tetrahedron.

I recently purchased a new laptop that runs WINDOWS 10. As fate - AND MICROSQUISH - would have it, THE TETRAHEDRON SCREEN SAVER DOES NOT COME WITH W10.

I just downloaded this, and it works just like in XP. YAY!!!!!!!

by Allan {a.k.a. RocKiteman} on January 5, 2018


by anthony on May 6, 2016

Its the best

by Sugey on April 16, 2016

I really like this screensaver for some reason

by xXx_doge_xXx on April 8, 2016

Does not work in windows 10 ,Windows SmartScreen blocked it,Norton Security blocked it and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware blocked it,all because it contains viruses and malware.

Screensavers Planet: We understand this can be confusing (and alarming), but these are still false positives. This screensaver, as all others on this site, has been installed and reviewed on a test machine, and scanned for viruses with dozens of anti-virus programs. Screensavers are sometimes used as vehicles for viruses and other malware, and so many anti-virus programs are suspicious of them -- and sometimes overly so.

by John Hill on March 27, 2016

Good screensaver, hands down. Brings back memories of 2009, from my early computer classes.

by Griffin on January 16, 2016


by anthony on January 5, 2016

I have it on another computer and I want it on this computer

by Isaiah on December 23, 2015

It is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Matthew Potters on September 28, 2015

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