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Okay what's up!?

Doubt this gets read looking at the above responses. I have tried 2 different times to download this on my Windows 10 up to date PC.

Months ago and recently.

I downloaded the above into the downloads folder. Went to that folder. Clicked on Run. Shows up in my Personalization>Lock Screen>Screensaver Settings. I click on it. APPLY and nothing happens. Just like the first time months ago. Now if I put a Windows Screensaver like Ribbons or Pipes on screensaver works. But this one nada! Nyet! No way hosea and hoseb ":-}

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jackdashack4 years agoWindows 10 x64, Firefox

1 reply

  • Hello Jack,

    Every post is read and usually replied to within a few hours, but perhaps you're referring to the user reviews. We don't usually respond to those because we'd like to keep them separate from requests for help, that's what the message board is for :-)

    If you successfully installed the screensaver, I'll assume you ran the installer you downloaded from here as administrator (right-click the file, choose "Run as administrator"), which seems to be a requirement for this screensaver.

    However, it seems to be a common issue with this old screensaver that it doesn't start even when it's selected as the active screensaver in the Screen Saver Settings panel. This has previously been reported here by another Jack, or perhaps that was you?

    In the last post in that thread, I included a link to an alternative installation program for this screensaver. Please give that a try and let me know how it goes?

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)4 years ago

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