Hello! Please tell me how to remove this screensaver?
Please tell me how to remove this screensaver? I can't find the installed file. Help me please!
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2 years ago
Windows 10 x64, Google Chrome
2 replies
You can remove it from the Apps & Features panel in Windows. It may be a little hard to find in the list because the name is in Japanese, and those Japanese characters may not display properly. It will probably look similar to this:
You'll find it under "F" when the list of apps is sorted by name. Alternatively, you can sort by Installation Date, and you should then find it near the top of the list.
If that doesn't work, you can also remove it manually. The file you'll need to delete is called "Poincare-f.scr" and it's probably in the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
2 years ago
Thank you! :) That helped - "The file you'll need to delete is called "Poincare-f.scr" and it's probably in the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder."
2 years ago
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