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Win7 Windows 3.1 Path NOT FOUND

I have tried to install your workaround for getting this screensaver to work, but when I get to the Audio Installation, and I change the Windows 3.1 path, it tells me that C:\Windows does NOT exist.
I have gone through this several times to make sure I am doing everything exactly as you have instructed, but I keep getting this error.
Can you help?

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Bob4 years agoWindows 7 x64, Firefox

4 replies

  • Hello Bob,

    If you use the File Explorer in Windows 7 to navigate to your hard drive (usually labeled C:) and then open the dosbox folder, is there a "WINDOWS" folder in there?

    Ideally, you'd also have the "SB16W3x" folder in there.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)4 years ago

  • No...I didn't know there had to be a WINDOWS folder in there.
    Is that where it is supposed to be?

    Bob4 years ago

  • OK...I figured it out.
    I took the files from c:\dosbox\dosbox and put them in c:\dosbox and that solved the problem.

    Bob4 years ago

  • That should do it. Glad you got it sorted. Enjoy the screensaver!

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)4 years ago

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