An animated screensaver for the critically acclaimed Disney/Pixar animation film Up. Two of the movie's central characters, the seventy-eight old widower Carl Fredricksen and the young boy scout Russell, appear in a short series of animated scenes, along with Carl's house tied to thousands of colorful balloons. Dug, the dog character from the film, is not included, but he has his own screensaver: Up: Meet Dug screensaver.
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Anti-virus report for Up
Our editors have reviewed all files and found them to be safe, but they are also checked automatically using many different virus scanners. We are happy to share the results.
Virus scanner | UP_screensaver_PC.exe |
AVG | |
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Last scanned | 2 weeks ago |
We have 1 file for "Up"
- UP_screensaver_PC.exe (Windows)
File report #1 | |
File name | UP_screensaver_PC.exe |
Target system | Microsoft Windows |
File size | 8.88 MB (9,310,525 bytes) |
File type | Portable Executable (EXE) |
Anti-virus | |
Detection ratio | 0/15 (0%) View report |
Popularity | |
Total downloads | 1,095 |
Last downloaded | 1 day ago |
File verification | |
MD5 | aa386f23d8c0e23c8589df2d5b36d080 |
SHA1 | ea57ce23870c2d38ce3a70f96265024ff363f49d |
SHA256 | 38e0e07c87c81f08acde6bd7150441e9fb819668237fbd109622ba92ac2a2179 |
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