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HomeScreensavers Planet  »  Screensavers  »  Tropical Islands: St. John

Tropical Islands: St. John

This slideshow screensaver includes 32 pictures from the Caribbean island St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands, with a few photos from nearby Jost Van Dyke, British Virgin Islands. Captions at the top left of each photograph tell you which part of these islands is shown, such as Waterlemon Cay, Trunk Bay or the Ram Head Trail.

Price Free    Disk 6.13 MB    Windows for Windows    Downloads 752
Small screenshot 1 of Tropical Islands: St. JohnSmall screenshot 2 of Tropical Islands: St. JohnSmall screenshot 3 of Tropical Islands: St. John

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Installation instructions

Microsoft Windows

  1. Double-click on the file you downloaded above to bring up a prompt, asking you if you want to install "Tropical Islands - St John, USVI CD", and click "Yes".
  2. A text file will be opened while the screensaver is being installed. After a few moments, you will be asked if you want to make this your default screensaver. Click "Yes" if you do, "No" if you don't.
    • If you get a "Copy error", you will have to re-initiate the install process. Click "OK", then right-click on the tropicalislandsstjohn.exe file you downloaded and click "Run as administrator".
  3. Installation is now complete. Click "OK" to exit the install program.
  4. "Tropical Islands" should now be among your other screensavers in the Screen Saver Settings panel.

Anti-virus report for Tropical Islands: St. John

Our editors have reviewed all files and found them to be safe, but they are also checked automatically using many different virus scanners. We are happy to share the results.

Virus scannertropicalislandsstjohn.exe
MalwarebytesMalware.AI.416174348 *
Last scanned4 weeks ago

*  When only a few of the virus scanners detect a problem with a file, this usually indicates a false alarm. While we cannot guarantee the safety of any file for 100%, we review them all carefully and report false positives to the anti-virus companies.

We have 1 file for "Tropical Islands: St. John"

  1.   tropicalislandsstjohn.exe (Windows)
File report #1
File nametropicalislandsstjohn.exe
Target system Microsoft Windows
File size6.13 MB (6,431,616 bytes)
File typePortable Executable (EXE)
Detection ratio1/6 (16.67%)   View report
Total downloads752
Last downloaded5 days ago
File verification

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