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Downloading Fascinating Rainforest

Your download of the Fascinating Rainforest screensaver should start in 4 seconds. If you need help installing this screensaver onto your computer, please find instructions below.

If your download does not begin automatically, please click here to start it manually.

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Installation instructions

For Microsoft Windows computers:

  1. Double-click the fascinatingrainforest.exe file you downloaded to start the installer.
    • If an error pops up stating that "the requested operation requires elevation", please click "OK", then right-click on the file you downloaded and select "Run as administrator".
  2. Click "Setup", then select the language of your preference and click "OK".
  3. If you accept the terms of the license agreement, tick the box and click "Next" to proceed.
  4. When prompted if you wish to install 'Fascinating Rainforest' now, click "Yes".
  5. If you want to make this your default screensaver, click "Yes".
  6. Installation has now successfully finished. Click "OK" to exit the install program.
  7. The screensaver will automatically be started. Press any key to exit. If you want to configure the screensaver, you should now be able to find it among the others in the Screen Saver Settings panel.