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Downloading Ans Markus Zodiac

Your download of the Ans Markus Zodiac screensaver should start in 4 seconds. If you need help installing this screensaver onto your computer, please find instructions below.

If your download does not begin automatically, please click here to start it manually.

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Installation instructions

For Microsoft Windows computers:

  1. Double-click on the file downloaded above to start the install program.
  2. Click "Next" to continue, then click "Next" again unless you want to change the destination folder where the necessary files will be copied to. The default destination should be fine for most computers.
  3. To begin installing the screensaver, click "Next". After a few seconds, it will have been successfully installed.
  4. A restart of Windows is usually not necessary, so you can click "Next" and then "Exit" to finish up.
  5. The Screen Saver Settings panel will open, where you can select and configure the screensaver.
    • If the screensaver does not appear in the list, or if you received errors during installation, you probably have to repeat the process with proper access rights by right-clicking on the "ansmarkuszodiac.exe" file and selecting "Run as administrator".