When i try to start screen saver i get could not set video mode. What can i do to fix this?
when i try to start screen saver i get could not set video mode. what can i do to fix this
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8 years ago
Windows 10 x64, Firefox
3 replies
Hello Cindy, thanks for posting.
I have just tested the Nikolaus Express screensaver on Windows 10 and can confirm that the "could not set video mode" error appears and the screensaver does not work. It's a fairly old screensaver, and I cannot think of a solution off the top of my head, but I promise to look into it in the next few days. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
8 years ago
I'm sorry, I've not been able to find a workaround. It just doesn't seem to be compatible with Windows 10. I hope you can find a good alternative screensaver for the holidays in the Christmas screensavers section.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
8 years ago
thank you for trying. had this one years ago and really enjoyed it. thanks again
8 years ago
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