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Tweak SceenSavers to stay open even upon "losing focus"

I have encountered many (many) different types
of ScreenSavers (SSs). Some/Most close automatically
upon "losing focus". I have found various ways to tweak
the "Style" or "ExStyle" that changes the SSs "window"
characteristic/s so that the SSs does NOT close (automatically)
upon "losing focus"; however, (still) many/most SSs still
close (automatically) upon "losing focus" ...
I would like to find the "secret" (SS window "Style" or
"ExStyle" characteristic/s) to keep SSs open
even when "losing focus" or upon mouse movement ...

AnNa3 years agoWindows 10 x64, Google Chrome

2 replies

  • I'm not aware of any methods to force a screensaver to open in windowed mode instead of full-screen, or to override the built-in functionality of automatically exiting once a key is pressed or the mouse is moved. Some screensavers may support running in windowed mode when you pass the the /p parameter, meant for the small preview window in the Screen Saver Settings panel.

    What tweaks have you found to make some screensavers stay open?

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)3 years ago

  • Just a quick reply (atm ~ more later) ...
    I (accidentally) found out that some FLASH SSs
    launch WINDOWED via the "/t" parameter !!!

    AnNa3 years ago

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