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Screensaver goes to DOWNLOADS instead of SCREENSAVERS

Hello, I have a Mac laptop. I just downloaded a wallpaper that i found under downloads. I don't want it to go to downloads because i use my downloads as computer background pictures. How do I get the screensaver to go to screensavers instead of downloads?

Terri Meadows3 years agomacOS 10.13.6, Safari

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  • Hello Terri,

    Please note that a screensaver is not the same as a wallpaper. Have a look at our help page on this topic: Screensavers and wallpaper: what's the difference?

    All files you download using your web browser are automatically placed into your Downloads folder. From there, you can move them elsewhere if you like.

    Whereas wallpapers are simply images, screensavers need to be installed for them to appear in the Screen Saver panel (within System Preferences) on your Mac.

    Usually, Mac screensavers are distributed as a .ZIP file. Simply open up that file from your Downloads folder, then double-click the .saver file in the window that appears. You'll be asked to confirm that you want to install the screensaver, and afterwards it should appear in the list within the Screen Saver panel (providing the screensaver is compatible with your version of macOS).

    Please let me know if I misinterpreted your question or you need more assistance.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)3 years ago

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