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One reviewer mentioned a "registry issue" on Windows 10 for Sky

The title pretty much says it - what is the "registry issue?" Get as technical as you want. Just - curious, wondering why... is this port of the program missing source code? No maintenance I imagine? Anyway - if anyone knows what the registry issue for Win10 is - thanks for your time :-)


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Sean Francis3 years agoWindows 10 x64, Firefox

1 reply

  • Hello Sean,

    I'm not aware of any issues with the Sky screensaver. I've tested it myself and everything appears to be working. As of version 3.1, user preferences are saved in the Windows registry, so that reviewer may have been referring to a problem related to saving the screensaver's settings, but I'm unable to replicate any issues there.

    This is the original Sky screensaver, not a port. If you're interested in the source code, you can find on the website of the developer, John Walker (Fourmilab).

    The last update was in September 2006, so it's not actively maintained.

    Hope that answers your question. I'll post back if I ever find out what the registry problem was or is, but this 15-year old screensaver seems to work just fine.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)3 years ago

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