No screen saver settings on Windows 10
There is no screen saver setting at the bottom of the Lock Screen in Windows 10.
A moderator edited this post 8 years ago: Clarified the title of the post.
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kim herrick
8 years ago
1 reply
Hello Kim, thanks for posting. Is this perhaps an office computer, or a computer you share with others and that you are not the administrator of? It's possible that the computer administrator has disabled screensavers for you, which means you cannot install or change the screensaver on your computer.
As an alternative way of opening the Screen Saver Settings panel, you could download this shortcut file. Double-click the compressed file, then double-click the "Screen Saver Settings panel" file within. Does that open the panel, or do you get an error?
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
8 years ago
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