Mystify screen saver on Windows 7
I wish to remove it, but I can't figure out how to do it. Some other screensavers are easy to uninstall, and I've done it, but this one is not. I am having the same problem with: Animated Aquaworld, Nature Reserve, Fascinating Waterfalls, Japan Spring, and Moonlit Ship.
Linked pages
6 years ago
Windows 7 x64, Google Chrome
6 replies
Hello oep,
The Mystify screensaver is installed by copying the "Mystify.scr" screensaver file to the Windows folder on your hard drive, usually located at C:\Windows. To uninstall the screensaver, you would have to browse back to that folder and delete the file.
See also: How to remove a screensaver on Windows 7
Titles like Japan Spring and Moonlit Ship are not familiar to me, perhaps you downloaded those somewhere else. The same solution may apply to those.
Hope that helps!
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
6 years ago
Unfortunately, that didn't work on Mystify [although it worked on the others -- thank you very much]. When I try to uninstall Mystify, it asks for permission from the Administrator -- which I give -- and then it says it needs permission from the TrustedInstaller, about which I know nothing at all.
6 years ago
Ah. I also figured out I didn't install it correctly. I double-clicked the Mystify.scr file and let it install itself. DON'T DO THIS, FOLKS. YOU WILL WIND UP IN A WORLD OF HURT!!
But, meanwhile, can anybody help me here?oep
6 years ago
So. Last update. Windows helped me. If you, too, should ever find yourself battling the terrible TrustedInstaller, here is the link that will save you:
6 years ago
What a hassle! I'm glad you figured it out in the end. I've not seen this before.
Copying a screensaver file to the Windows folder automatically installs it, because the Screen Saver Settings panel scans that folder for screensaver files whenever you open it. Right-clicking it and selecting "Install" is just an easy way to open that panel, but the screensaver's also installed even if you don't do that.
Thanks for sharing that URL from the Microsoft forums, it's good to know that it's the file permissions that need to be changed when this happens.
Hope you're rid of all your unwanted screensavers now.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
6 years ago
Thanks. I even managed to find some new ones with which I am very happy _and_ succeeded in installing them properly [I know that because I was able to get rid of one or two I didn't like as much very easily].
6 years ago
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