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Manually fix for not recognized .scr files

I had to make a .scr key in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\
set the value to scrfile
then open cmd
type assoc .scr=
then type assoc .scr=scrfile
This fixed my scr files from not being recognized and allowed me to install them.
I made my own registry key because sfc did not fix my problem, as the .scr key was gone. Refreshing windows is out of the question as this was my only problem, and I had no problems with my power configuration.
Check HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.scr and see if the .scr key exists, and if not do what I did above.
If screensavers break

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Jerry2 years agoWindows 8.1 x64, Google Chrome

2 replies

  • This is for all Windows version

    Jerry2 years ago

  • Thanks for sharing that, Jerry.

    This is a common problem for screensaver users who've installed AutoCAD, a program that (unwisely) uses the .SCR extension for their AutoCAD Script files.

    Glad you were able to fix it!

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)2 years ago

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