Helios settings
Hello! I downloaded and installed this screensaver without any problems. However, I'm a senior citizen and not very "computer literate", so I'm not sure about the tweaking the settings. One comment said (in essence) "forget the surface option, keep ions small at 3-6, use 99% blur, speed less than 50%, and use most ions possible (2000)." I did all of this, prior to even watching the screensaver in action. I was surprised that the screensaver didn't look like the screenshots above the comments; the screenshots looked like purplish bubbles, crashing into each other, which I really liked. After playing a little with the settings and clicking back on the "surface option", I did see the "bubbles" that I was looking for 😊. I did not adjust the emitters or attracters because I have no idea what they are or what they do! I also felt that the displays or effects in the screensaver were a bit dark and would like them a little brighter, if possible. I made sure my Windows "nightlight" was off, so there was no orangish cast, contributing to the perceived darkness. Unfortunately, my monitor does not have "dials" for making the screen brighter or darker, and I have been unsuccessful in changing the brightness after contacting HP. Please don't get me wrong; I really do like this screensaver and marvel at anyone being able to imagine this and being able to put it in a program! I wish I was 60 years younger and able to be a member of the computer generation so I could understand and maybe even contribute to things like this. Thank you so very much for sharing this screensaver and for any answers or suggestions you might be able to make!
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Susan in Wisconsin 👵🏻
4 years ago
Windows 10 x64, Google Chrome
2 replies
Hello Susan,
Thanks for posting to the message board. I'm glad you like the screensaver!
You're right, the screenshots don't really represent the variety of shapes and colors that the screensaver generates. I'll make sure those are updated soon.
As for the various settings, the "Helion surface" setting does indeed result in those bubbles when enabled. If the screensaver seems dark, make sure you still have the number of ions set to a fairly high number, e.g. in the 1000-2000 range.
I currently have the following settings, and the graphics get quite bright:
Number of ions: 1500
Ion size: 75
Number of emitters: 3
Number of attracters: 3
Animation speed: 10
Camera speed: 10
Motion blur: 10
Helios surface: [checked]You shouldn't need to increase the brightness of your monitor, unless you also feel it's not bright enough when you normally use your computer. In that case, your monitor should have a brightness feature, usually accessible through a menu that you can get to by pressing one of the physical buttons on the monitor. If you can figure out the model of the HP monitor, usually printed somewhere on the front or back of the bezel, we can probably find the manual with instructions.
The screensaver itself does not have a brightness setting, I'm afraid.
You may also be interested in some of the other screensavers created by the same author, Terence M. Welsh. You can find them here: Really Slick Screensavers.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
4 years ago
Thanks so much, Rob! I'm going to try out those settings, check out my monitor, and maybe even check out those Really Slick Screensavers, probably this weekend. Will let you know how it goes ... have a good one 😄!
Susan Owens
4 years ago
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