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Felix screensaver does not work anymore due to flash player

Is there a way to fix the Felix screensaver to work without the flash player?

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Kanda4 years agoWindows 10 x64, Firefox

1 reply

  • Hello Kanda,

    I'm afraid there's no workaround at this time. Once your computer has installed the Windows update that removes the Adobe Flash Player, it cannot be re-installed in any way, and so any program that requires Flash will stop working.

    There's not likely going to be an official update to the Felix screensaver from Purina. Hopefully there's another screensaver in our archive that you like. We're working on a labeling all screensavers to indicate whether or not a they require Flash, so that you can filter through them more effectively.

    Sorry for the inconvenience!

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)4 years ago

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