Classic 3D Maze windows 10 not working
Hi, I tried to use 3d Maze but it's not working on my OS. The odd thing is that it seems to work mostly OK on the little preview screen, you know the little monitor on the screen saver settings menu?
But it doesn't work other wise. For what ever reason, it instantly crashes, just giving me a black screen for a moment and then goes back to the desktop. It's not really working at all.
I am pretty sure I installed it correctly, I installed the scr file in the system 32 as I did with other screen savers that work fine. But this one isn't doing it.
Anyone able to help me?
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5 years ago
Windows 10 x64, Firefox
3 replies
Can you enter the screensaver's settings menu? If so, perhaps you could try changing a few of the settings. Sometimes that can magically fix such issues. Toggle the "Full screen" setting, for example, or adjust the size with the slider.
Let me know if that does anything. If not, I suspect a compatibility issue with your PC or laptop. It's difficult to troubleshoot that remotely, unfortunately.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
5 years ago
I have attempted to do so yes, and nothing seems to change the behavior. I mean, the little screen shows the changes, it reflects fine, seems to work, it just doesn't want to project to the whole screen and will crash every time.
5 years ago
You could try updating the drivers for the graphics card in your computer (usually from Nvidia, AMD or Intel). These days those drivers are usually also kept up-to-date via Windows Update, however, so it might not make a difference.
Unfortunately, I can't replicate the issue. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
5 years ago
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