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cant truly uninstall

screensavers are still there and i cant find the uninstall files...I actually found them but they dont really do the job... screensavers are still there..
I feel like this is total spyware.......been working on tracking the files for 3 hours.

matthew grodevant5 months agoWindows 10 x64, Google Chrome

5 replies

  • Which screensavers have you installed and are you now trying to uninstall?

    I'll install them and see what the best way is to uninstall. None of the screensavers you find here are malicious in any way, but some are very old and the (un)installers may not be fully compatible with modern versions of Windows.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)5 months ago

  • color mix and color cells.
    I didnt like the forced attachment to the webpage and decided to eliminate them and cant.

    matthew grodevant5 months ago

  • I have even eliminated the folders associated with them with the shortcuts in them...and they are still there. I am simply worried about spyware.
    And they also dont comply with dual screen .

    matthew grodevant5 months ago

  • I had no trouble uninstalling the Color Cells screensaver just now, and every file associated with it was removed automatically (including the desktop shortcuts).

    There's no Color Mix screensaver on this site. It may be a little confusing, but this website, Screensavers Planet, is in no way related to the website. They are the authors of the two screensavers you mentioned.

    However, I did find Color Mix on their website, and again had no trouble installing and uninstalling. There are a few annoyances in the process, particularly that in the process of uninstalling a web browser will be opened with the website, and this may hide from view an important prompt from the uninstallation program asking to confirm the deletion of the screensaver file:

    Screenshot of prompt from Color Cells screensaver uninstallation program

    If you miss that, the screensaver file won't actually be deleted, and the Color Cells screensaver will continue to show up in your Screen Saver Settings panel.

    That's a bit of a poor design decision from the authors, but definitely not spyware.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)5 months ago

  • I appreciate the help. This is not the norm. Thank you so much for your time, and having patience with me. You are truly appreciated. Getting assistance these days from anywhere is rare!!

    matthew grodevant5 months ago

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