Can't change settings
I need to register my screensaver but don't know
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Graham John Thorsager
1 year ago
Windows 10 x64, Google Chrome
1 reply
Hello Graham,
As noted in the screensaver's description, "support for Adobe Flash Player has been removed from Windows. This screensaver requires Flash only for the settings panel. The screensaver itself still works."
It's possible to change some settings manually by editing the settings.xml file in the installation folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Freeze.com\Living Marine Aquarium 2 Full
You can edit it using a text editor like Notepad. For example, if you wanted to disable sound, you would change <sound value="1" /> to <sound value="0" />.
Obviously this is a rather technical approach, but unfortunately it's the only way.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
1 year ago
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